Construiesc si amenajez
complexuri rezidentiale si am avut nevoie de materiale de constructii printre
care si tevi negre de instaltii. Am gasit pe internet cea mai profesionista
firma care se ocupa cu comertul tevilor. Sunt de o calitate foarte buna aduse
din turcia de la cei mai mari producatori. Eu sunt multumit deoarece lucrez de
5 ani cu ei si au cele mai bune preturi. Mai sus va atasez link si vi-I
recomand pentru ca sunt foarte seriosi.
This blog is about my adventures in foreign countries, especially in Germany, where I have lived in the past 4 months.
luni, 10 noiembrie 2014
vineri, 31 octombrie 2014
Prevenirea Riscurilor
Prevenirea riscurilor profesionale reprezinta ansamblul
masurilor si actiunilor luate la nivelul unei organizatii, in intregul sau, la
un grup de posturi de munca sau functiuni si la nivel de individ, in vederea
evitarii riscurilor sau a limitarii efectelor acestora.
Prevenirea devine astfel o activitate complexa, care imbina
cunostintele tehnice din: ergonomie, medicina
muncii, igiena industrial, psihologia muncii, toxicologia industriala.
Prevenirea implica un studiu de risc intr-o situatie de munca
data, in baza caruia se pot desprinde si alege masurile cele mai eficace pentru
evitarea riscului sau pentru reducerea lui.
Principii generale ce constituie baza prevenirii: evitarea
riscurilor, evaluarea riscurilor, combaterea riscurilor la sursa, adaptarea
lucrului la persoane, luarea in calcul a evolutiei tehnicii, inlocuirea unui
factor periculos cu unul nepericulos sau cel mai putin periculos, planificarea
prevenirii – deci integrarea ei in activitatea de baza, prioritatea protectiei
colective, furnizarea instructiunilor de lucru adecvate lucratorilor.
Principii pentru integrarea prevenirii:
Analiza riscurilor;
Eliminarea sau reducerea lor;
Luarea masurilor de protective, necesare pentru
riscurile ce nu pot fi eliminate;
Informarea utilizatorului cu privire la
riscurile reziduale rezultate dintr-o eficienta incomplete a masurilor de
protective adoptate.
Politici de prevenire a riscurilor profesionale – prevenirea
riscurilor profesionale necesita acum sip e viitor o politica totdeauna noua,
deoarece trebuie sa fie in pas cu:
Evolutia tehnicii si tehnologiilor de lucru care
determina schimbari profunde in procesul de munca, in evolutia demografica a
intreprinderilor, in care, marimea si durata de viata a acestora, au din ce in
ce mai mult o tendinta de scadere;
Schimbarile ce itnervin in mediul industrial si
social. Astfel de schimbari antreneaza de fapt si transferuri de riscuri intre
sectoare de activitate, care se amplifica pe masura ce introducerea noilor
forme de organizare dau nastere atat la cresterea numarului de intreprinderi
exterioare, cat si la inmultirea posturilor de muca temporare;
Orientarile economice si sociale, ca rezultat al
impactului activitatilor economice cu nivel relative al riscului professional,
impact ce este strans legat deȘ productivitatea muncii, formarea profesionala a
fortei de munca active si rezultatele economico-financiare ale
In acest sens, mediul economic si social va trebui
considerat ca principal factor in elaborarea actiunilor destinate prevenirii riscurilor
Anticiparea riscurilor profesionale, pentru o reala
gestionare a lor, presupune:
O dezvoltare a analizei apriori a riscurilor;
Promovarea unor echipamente, tehnologii si procese
sigure, sau mai sigure;
O imbunatatire a conceptiei cu privire la
amenajarea locurilor de munca;
A oferi personalului lucrator cunostintele
necesare pentru a cunoaste si intelege riscurile profesionale.
marți, 14 octombrie 2014
Magazin alimentar Bucuresti
Am comandat zilele trecute de pe internet cel mai ieftin whisky de la un
domn amabil ce mi l-a livrat acasa. Produsul a fost de calitate original si
livrarea rapida. Scriu acest mesaj pentru a va veni in folosul dvs. Daca pe
viitor cineva doreste sa cumpere pentru petrecere sau evenimente pentru ca la
cantitati mari ofera si reducere. Este foarte avantajos si recomand site-ul pe
care il gasiti in mai sus pe cuvant atasat. Sunt foarte multumit si voi mai
comanda si data viitoare.
joi, 9 octombrie 2014
Taging a walk in Bavaria, at October Fest
Well.... this autumn it was the first time for me when I have visited OktoberFest in Bavaria, or more exactly in Muenchen.
If had surprisingly more fun that i thaught it would be, with all that old (medieval-like) clothing, and the old games, and those greeeeat tents and then the crowd was so big, so many people were drinking s much beer, that I thaught for a momment that I am in another time, on another world or another planet, where time wasway slowar than in oyr daily routine.
Well... the thing with OktoberFest is that as it can be very apealyng for foreigners, the locals (enhabitants of Muenchen do not like this OktoberFest so much) and they alsoo call it "puke-fest". They also do not appreciate all of those drunk people on the streets and the fact that their city is way more crowded than usually (and Muenchen is a really crowded city by German standards).
My conclusionis that OktoberFest is a fest that has to be seen, you simply have to live iti at least once in your life.
If had surprisingly more fun that i thaught it would be, with all that old (medieval-like) clothing, and the old games, and those greeeeat tents and then the crowd was so big, so many people were drinking s much beer, that I thaught for a momment that I am in another time, on another world or another planet, where time wasway slowar than in oyr daily routine.
Well... the thing with OktoberFest is that as it can be very apealyng for foreigners, the locals (enhabitants of Muenchen do not like this OktoberFest so much) and they alsoo call it "puke-fest". They also do not appreciate all of those drunk people on the streets and the fact that their city is way more crowded than usually (and Muenchen is a really crowded city by German standards).
My conclusionis that OktoberFest is a fest that has to be seen, you simply have to live iti at least once in your life.
miercuri, 8 octombrie 2014
Decisions and decisions.... sometimes tough to make
After considering for a couple of weeks what to do with this abandoned blog i've decided to take care of my newly formed ideas about life and the world we are living in. So... i have decided to present here, in this blog informations about the things that i am doing in Germany, the placewhere I have lived in the past 4 months or more.
First of all I have to say that Germans are incredibly nice people, everything here seams tobe put in perfect order, all the streets are clean and neaty and not least,al the people are nice and seem pretty civilized.
Another astonishing thing is the fact that many of this people are using bikes, and not cars. They are using bikes to go to work, they are using bikes for shopping and least, but not last, they are evan walking their kids in special things atached to bikes, which I think it is totally awesome!
First of all I have to say that Germans are incredibly nice people, everything here seams tobe put in perfect order, all the streets are clean and neaty and not least,al the people are nice and seem pretty civilized.
Another astonishing thing is the fact that many of this people are using bikes, and not cars. They are using bikes to go to work, they are using bikes for shopping and least, but not last, they are evan walking their kids in special things atached to bikes, which I think it is totally awesome!
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